Pre-Q Galgo Promotes Retreading at School Bus Trade Shows

July 1, 2024

Pre-Q Galgo Corp. promoted retreading at two school bus trade shows over two weeks.  

The first show, the Illinois Association for Pupil Transportation Conference & Trade Show in Springfield, Ill., took place on June 19 and had a record-breaking attendance. 

“Working with our valued partners, Ron Kruzan and Aydin Coulter with K.C. Sales, we spread the news about how retreading can help them with their tight budgets and the fact that the myths about retreads have been debunked,” says Ron Elliott, national sales manager for Pre-Q Galgo.  

“Since we are in the heat of the summer, there were abundant gators on the road, which promoted even more questions. We asked them did they see wire coming from the gators and of course, they said yes. We proceeded to explain the pr-cured tread rubber is not manufactured with any wire and that the most probable reason for the gator was low air pressure, which caused the tire to have a catastrophic failure.” 

The second show was the 44th Pennsylvania School Bus Association conference on June 24th in Champion, Pa.  

“This was a successful conference and trade show with a record turnout at our booth, and we had a great time discussing the many benefits of retreading. Thanks goes out to our valued dealer partner, Mike Stephani, commercial sales manager for Steve Shannon Tire for his help during the show,” continues Elliott.