Trelleborg Wheel Systems used the recently held World Agro Expo to show off its tires and complete wheel solutions.
Showcased at the Expo in Tulare, Calif., was Trelleborg’s extra-large radial tire, the TM900 High Power, in size 900/60R42 180D (177E) .
The TM900 High Power line was developed and co-designed with leading manufacturers of agricultural machines, the company notes. The tires offer performance at high speeds, assure optimum traction, cope with the demand for increasingly larger loads, and produce minimal soil compaction for maximum agronomic yield.
“In the three days that the World Agro Expo took place, it proved to be a hot spot for agriculture technology and innovation. For Trelleborg, it was a wonderful opportunity to communicate our values to all the professionals visiting Tulare,” says Andrea Masella, marketing manager of Trelleborg Wheel Systems North America for Agricultural and Forestry tires.
“Responsibility, state-of-the-art technology and high quality services are characteristics of the American culture that fit extremely well with our way of working,” says Masella. “We are looking forward to coming back next year with new high technology solutions to the benefit of our customers.”