Will there be a new retread event in the United States? According to TRIB Managing Director David Stevens, the possibility exists.
At the TRIB (Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau) fall membership meeting in Las Vegas, Nev., on Oct. 31, 2011, Stevens said a recent membership survey revealed that 65% of the respondents favored a retread conference tied to another trade show.
"We just need to find the right venue," he said.
In other TRIB news, President Bob Majewski announced that TRIB had trademarked the association's longtime slogan, "The Voice of Retreading."
The Retread Tire Association (RTA), run by former TRIB Managing Director Harvey Brodsky, had been using a similar slogan, "The Voice of Retreading Worldwide." Because the latter name is "confusingly similar" (the legal standard required to prove infringement of a trademark) to the former, the RTA has been asked to cease the use of it by the end of the month.
(Brodsky says he will comply with the decision.)
Majewski added that all of TRIB's financials and corporate filings are up to date.