Mitas Tires representatives Vladimir Dusanek and Ralph Kellenberger held a groundbreaking ceremony at the former Winnebago Industries Charles City, Iowa, plant, which is being converted into a farm tire factory. The plant will begin production early next year.
“Charles City is very forthcoming. This plant is key to Mitas’ expansion in North America,” said Dusanek.
Currently, the plant’s energy center is being built, and pits for the curing presses are being constructed. Mitas says a substantial share of factory equipment is being contracted to local suppliers, such as Tim Hildreth Co. to deliver the boiler, and to others for deliveries of a nitrogen unit and HUPP Toyota forklifts. The construction works are supplied by Point Builders of Iowa.
“Mitas brings to Charles City a combination of business assets that have always worked well for us in the past, those being a well-respected manufacturing tradition, a skilled well-trained workforce and a strong market niche,” said Charles City Mayor Jim Erb.
In June, 608 job seekers attended Mitas Tires’ Career Days held in Charles City to meet with Mitas human resources representatives and discuss employment opportunities at Mitas.
“The Charles City workforce office was indispensable in helping organize the event, which went smoothly even though Mitas headquarters is located 4,700 miles from Charles City, in Prague,” Mitas International HR Manager Ralph Kellenberger said.
Mitas is currently hiring 10 foremen and core employees, who will be sent to the Czech Republic for training. The rest of the work force of the initial 159 employees will be recruited late in 2011.
For more information about the plant, see Mitas invests $10 million at Iowa plant.