Giti Goes Social With Tire Safety

Aug. 31, 2020

Giti Tire USA is taking its tire safety message to social media this week as part of National Tire Safety Week.

“Today’s tires are marvels of engineering that deliver many attributes, such as dependable traction and long tread life,” says Thomas Okihisa, director of marketing for Giti Tire USA. “But they only work to their fullest potential if they are properly maintained. National Tire Safety Week is designed to inform drivers about critical safety tips such as proper air inflation pressure and how to determine when your tires need replacing.”

Giti Tire joins @ustireassoc for National Safety Week 2020 to Educate Motorist on the importance of Proper Tire Care. Todays Focus: TIRE PRESSURE Proper inflation pressure—perhaps the most important tire condition to monitor—gives tires the ability to support the vehicle and you to control it for maximum performance. Bonus benefit: Maintaining proper inflation pressure maximizes fuel economy, too. Under inflated tires generate excessive heat build-up and stress, causing irregular wear and internal damage. Over inflated tires are more likely to be cut, punctured or damaged when hitting an obstacle, such as a pothole. CHECKING YOUR PRESSURE Use a tire gauge to check inflation pressure, measured in in PSI (pounds per square inch). You’ll find recommended pressure on a label on the driver’s door or in your vehicle owner's manual. And don’t forget about your spare. WHEN TO CHECK Check your tires at least once a month, and check them when they’re cold—meaning parked for at least three hours. Note that inflation pressure increases (in warm weather) or decreases (in cold weather) one to two pounds for every 10 degrees of temperature change. Also, check your pressure before you head out on any long trips, carry heavy loads or tow a trailer. TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) detect loss of inflation pressure and warn drivers when tires are 25% under inflated. For many vehicles, this warning may be too late to prevent damage. TPMS are not a replacement for monthly tire pressure checks with a gauge Source: @ustireassoc #GitiTire #NationalSafetyWeek #USTMA #TireSafety

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