A Deep Dive Into CFO

March 5, 2025

Dave Paulk, manager, field technical services, for BKT USA Inc., explains what CFO stands for and why it’s important.

“CFO stands for ‘cyclic field operation,’” says Paulk. “This technology is mainly used for combines and grain carts that carry cyclic loads at field speeds

Cyclic loads are fluctuating loads that change as crops are harvested such as with a combine. CFO allows for higher loads at slower speeds (0-10 mph and 10-20 mph) without changing air pressures. 

Paulk notes that CFO tire are either increased flexion (IF) or very-high flexion (VF) tires and  aremade to handle the load peaks and valleys, but can only handle the high loads for a short while. They are not designed to handle high loads for extended periods.  

For example, he says that with grain carts, these loads can only be used for a mile, if transporting in the field.  

Because the tires are IF or VF, they can carry more weight than a standard tire of the same size. Air pressures may be able to be lowered to minimize soil compaction and still carry the load needed. Remember that the correct amount of air pressure is needed to carry the load.

IF CFO tires allow for a load bonus of 55% under 10 mph. They allow for a 30% load bonus between 10-20 mph. These bonuses are allowed without having to increase air pressure.

An example, according to Paulk, is the IF1250/50R32 CFO: 

Paulk says VF CFO tires allow for a load bonus of 55% under 10 mph and 30% from 10-20 mph.

Below is an example of an VF800/70R32 CFO.  

“Load charts - like the one shown above - are the easiest way to explain to someone that is not familiar with CFO technology,” says Paulk.

Although CFO “has been around for a while, there are still a lot of questions. Many dealers do not understand the load bonuses and what they mean. The important thing to note is these cannot be used on tractors.

BKT offers F CFO tires in the Agrimax Force, Agrimax Teris, and Agrimax RT600, notes Paulk.

BKT has VF CFO sizes in the Agrimax Pro Harvest, The Agrimax V-Flecto, and the Agrimax Spargo SB.

“IF/VF CFO tires are helpful because they can carry heavy loads at slower speeds without having to increase air pressure and not worry about the tire failing.”