American Tire Distributors (ATD) reports its 2012 Charity Golf Tournament raised $170,000, which will be given to two local charities and continues ATD’s commitment to Boundless Playgrounds.
Thanks to this year’s tournament, ATD contributed $100,000 to Boundless Playgrounds to support the creation of two accessible Tread Town playgrounds. Additionally, ATD contributed $35,000 each to Charlotte-area charities -- Crisis Assistance Ministry and the Mooresville Soup Kitchen.
The tournament has raised more than $1.2 million in total funds for local and national nonprofit organizations. This year’s donations were raised by contributions from the more than 50 vendors participating in the golf tournament as well as a contribution from ATD.
“We’ve been a member of the Charlotte community for more than 75 years. We believe it’s absolutely essential to support groups that help address the important needs of the members of our local community and in areas where our distribution centers operate,” says Bill Berry, president and chief executive officer of ATD. “We want to thank all of our vendors whose generous contributions, along with ATD’s direct gift, have made it possible to support this year’s recipients so that they can assist those who are in need of help.”
Each Boundless Playground Tread Town’s foundation is constructed from recycled rubber, creating a universally accessible surface that allows children and caregivers with and without disabilities to enjoy the playground freely and safely. The playground promotes accessible, unstructured play with ramped wheelchair access to the highest platforms, features exclusive Tread Town tire swings, and has a multitude of other cutting-edge fitness and educational-based activities.
ATD’s donation of $100,000 will go to support the creation of two Tread Town playgrounds. The new playgrounds will resemble the Tread Town locations that ATD and its subsidiary Tire Pros have already opened over the past three-plus years. The existing Tread Town playgrounds are located in the Charlotte, N.C.; Jackson, Miss.; Memphis, Tenn.; Lakewood, Calif.; and Savannah, Ga., metro areas.
ATD also donated $35,000 to Crisis Assistance Ministry, Mecklenburg County’s leading agency for emergency financial assistance. Last year, more than 50,000 households received emergency financial assistance, which allowed them to remain in their residences and maintain basic utility services. Crisis Assistance Ministry also has a furniture bank for families with an urgent need for essential furnishings and a Free Store that provided clothing and household items to more than 13,000 families last year.
“Over the past few years, thousands of families found the courage to seek help with life’s basic needs for the first time in their lives,” says Carol Hardison, CEO of Crisis Assistance Ministry. “Support like this means Crisis Assistance Ministry is able to provide those families with emergency aid to avoid falling into homelessness and the services and support they need to seek financial stability again.”
ATD donated another $35,000 to the Mooresville Soup Kitchen, a faith-based organization that serves 3,500 meals monthly in the Mooresville area. “This donation will help us move forward with feeding our wounded warriors, our working hungry, our elderly, and our youth,” says Debby Hoover, interim executive director of the Mooresville Soup Kitchen. In addition to purchasing food for meals, ATD’s gift also will assist in providing emergency food boxes and other resources that the Mooresville Soup Kitchen offers.