The Tire Industry Association (TIA) and the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau (TRIB) have launched a Web page to help aid in the Japan disaster recovery effort. The new Treads of Care Web page ( was created to provide information, links to help aid in the Japan disaster recovery effort.
The site includes important tips on how to avoid making donations to unscrupulous charitable organizations, links to charitable organizations and ways businesses can raise funds for the recovery effort. Additionally, there are downloadable Web ads, sample text for social media and a downloadable QRC code that can direct camera-enabled smartphones to the “Treads of Care” page.
“The tire industry has a strong tradition of corporate responsibility, and ‘Treads of Care’ continues that tradition by giving tire industry businesses of all sizes a ‘one-stop’ resource to give employees, their customers, and others an easy way to join the Japan disaster recovery effort,” says TIA Executive Vice President Roy Littlefield.
“TRIB has a number of members in Japan that were directly affected by the disaster, and ‘Treads of Care’ provides a great way for all of us in the tire industry to show that we support them and all of Japan in their efforts to recover quickly,” says TRIB Managing Director David Stevens.