On the Rise: Chris Woods

Oct. 31, 2023

Chris Woods

Truckstop channel manager | Bridgestone Americas Inc. | Brentwood, Tenn. | Age: 36

What was your first job in the industry?  

I was a supply chain analyst with Bridgestone's OTR division.

What attracted you to the industry?  

Bridgestone had always been of interest to me, a long-standing brand in the industry while also a top place to work.

What is the biggest challenge you've faced in your career?

I was tasked with creating and implementing a centralized ordering arm within Bridgestone's company-owned locations, formerly known as GCR.

Who has had the biggest influence on your career?  

Professionally it has to be Steve Hoeft, he is the president of the commercial truck group within Bridgestone. I have reported to him in several phases throughout my career, and each time I have taken huge steps within my development and understanding of various parts of the business.

What is your biggest accomplishment in the industry?  

It goes back to the creation and implementation of the centralized ordering team. Change is never easy, but to complete that and be able to show the success it had was a great feeling!

Tell us about your current job and responsibilities. How do you spend your workday?  

I currently manage the relationship with Bridgestone and our truck stop customers. Generally, I am in contact with a number of teammates at each respective customer every day working on everything from programming to ordering to billing and anything in between. I may not have all the answers, but I will find out who will.

What's been the biggest surprise of your current job?  

To be honest, I would say how much I am enjoying it! This was my first role where the sole focus is the customer. I have met and presented to various customers in numerous former roles, but being able to connect daily with several other industry leaders has been very rewarding and I have made some great friends in doing so.

Tell us about your family.  

I have been married to my wife, Caroline for eight years. We are expecting our first child in January. A little girl!

Caroline and I are diehard University of Tennessee fans as we both graduated from there. We enjoy traveling and live music.

If you could wake up tomorrow with one new skill, what would you choose?  

Probably the ability to speak another language or more. In various roles I have been in contact with other parts of the Bridgestone worldwide network. That would be a huge help!

In a single word, how would your friends describe you?  


If you could switch jobs for a day, what job/who would you choose to swap with, and why?  

If was anything, I would love to be a caddie for a top PGA tour player. Golf has always been a huge hobby of mine. Traveling the world playing the best courses would be incredible to me!

What's the biggest issue facing the tire industry?  

I would say sticking to prices. As costs continue to rise (although we have seen some flattening across the industry) the pricing piece between manufacturers, dealers, and ultimately fleets continues to be vital across the board.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  

A dentist. But once I took chemistry in High School, I realized it wasn't for me!

What goal did you set for yourself this year? Are you on track to reach it?  

My goal was to become comfortable and reliable within my current role. I took over this role in the late fourth quarter of 2022. In dealing with a lot of customers nationwide, my head was spinning the first six months. However, I have become a reliable resource for our customers.

What do you expect to be doing 20 years from now?  

I want to be a leader of leaders. In what capacity that is, that's a long way out so I am not sure, but I have enjoyed leading others in the past. Moving forward I would like to hold a level of leadership that our executives can see.