Nokian Inaugurates New Passenger Tire Factory in Romania

Sept. 19, 2024

Nokian Tyres plc hosted the grand opening of its passenger car tire factory in Oradea, Romania operating with zero CO2 emissions.  

The inauguration of the factory marks the completion of a two-year-long project and sets the ground for commercial production in early 2025.  

“We are very pleased to be inaugurating our Oradea factory today,” says Jukka Moisio, president and CEO of Nokian Tyres.  

“It will strengthen our capability to serve our customers in Central Europe and beyond and support our growth as planned toward net sales of [over $2 billion]. With our full-scale zero CO2 emission tire factory we are ready to lead the industry and set the new standard for sustainable tire manufacturing.” 

At the new factory, no energy generated by fossil fuels is used.  

“All electricity used at the Romania Oradea factory is CO2 emission free,” says Adrian Kaczmarczyk, senior vice president of operation excellence for Nokian Tyres. 

“Part of the electricity used in the factory is generated by on-site solar power units. Steam used to cure the tires is generated by innovative electric boilers which use full CO2 emission free electricity instead of the fossil fuels such as coal or gas.” 

The factory produced its first tire in July 2024 and the project is ramping up to the annual capacity of six million tires – with expansion potential in the future.  

The factory will focus on passenger car tire production to be primarily sold in the Central European market.