M. G. "Jerry" O'Neil, who succeeded his father as president of General Tire & Rubber Co. in 1960, died August 18, 2009.
O'Neil may be the last of the great family tire barons (his father, William, founded the company in 1915), a group of larger-than-life leaders that diminshed with consolidation. When they spoke, people listened.
At the 1979 National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association, O'Neil spoke about the effect the government and unions have on business success. Modern Tire Dealer Editor Bob Ulrich revisits his speech in his latest B.O.B. blog.
Check out "O'Neil warned of government intervention in 1979" by clicking here: http://www.moderntiredealer.com/Blog/B-O-B/Story/2009/08/O-Neil-warned-of-government-intervention-in-1979.aspx. And feel free to leave a comment!