SEMA Awards Scholarships

Aug. 14, 2023

The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) has issued a total of $245,000 in scholarship and loan forgiveness awards through its SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Winners include 87 students who received scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 and 17 employees of SEMA-member companies who received loan forgiveness awards to help pay off student loans, according to SEMA officials.

“SEMA receives a large number of scholarship applications each year and the quality of this year’s applicants was truly inspiring and impressive,” says SEMA Manager of Recognition Programs Chris Standifer.

“Their passion and innovative mindset were evident in their applications, and it gives us great hope that they will continue to advance the aftermarket industry and make a lasting impact.”

The SEMA Memorial Scholarship Program was established in 1984 to help support the future of the automotive aftermarket industry. Since its inception, more than $3 million has been awarded to deserving students. 

The online application for next year’s program will open in January 2024 at