The Aftermarket Foundation has named Susan Medick, chief financial and operations officer for the Auto Care Association (ACA), to its board of trustees. She will serve on the board's finance and marketing and public relations committees.
“On behalf of the entire Board, I am very pleased to welcome Susan to the Board of the Foundation,” says Board President Bob Hirsch.
“Our Board has seen a number of additions and changes over the past few years, which reflects the change in our approach and direction. The addition of Susan, with her deep financial background, is very important to us as we continue to make changes to our operating structure. We are very pleased that she has accepted the role, and we thank her for her willingness to serve for the common good of those within our aftermarket family who are less fortunate and face difficult times.”
Hirsch also says that while the direction of the Foundation to take care of those in need within the industry has not changed in its 50-plus year history, “We, as a Foundation, are changing, as the demand for our help increases, and we are hiring, for the first time in our history, an executive director to manage our operations. And we need the strength, talent and influence of individuals such as Susan Medick, to help foster this and the other changes we are making.”
A 20-year veteran with the Auto Care Association, Medick oversees the association’s operations and finance departments, responsible for all of the accounting and reporting activity for eight entities, comprised of non-profit, both 501(c)(6) and 501(c)(3), political, and for-profit entities. In her role as CFO/COO, Medick serves as the staff liaison to the Auto Care Association’s investment and audit committees.
Since 1959, the Aftermarket Foundation has assisted individuals and families of the automotive aftermarket Industry that have fallen on hard times due to an unexpected death, catastrophic injury, serious illness, or financial hardship. Board members are called upon to assist in the fundraising efforts of the Foundation, and also to assist in the identification of those in need.