Congressman Introduces REPAIR Act 

March 3, 2025

Congressman Neal Dunn of Florida recently introduced the Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair (REPAIR) Act. 
The new bill “would ensure vehicle owners have access to important repair and diagnostic data needed for auto repairs,” according to Tire Industry Association (TIA) officials. 
“Currently, automakers are restricting vehicle owners and automotive repair shops from accessing repair data and tools, resulting in higher repair costs, fewer service options and longer wait times for vehicle maintenance. The REPAIR Act would affirm that this data belongs to the vehicle’s owner, not the manufacturer.” 
“American consumers deserve full control over their vehicle repair and maintenance data to ensure they can find the best service for their vehicle at a reasonable price,” said Congressman Dunn.  
“Unfortunately, vehicle manufacturers are standing in the way of American consumers accessing their own data to use the repair shop of their choosing, limiting consumer choice. For far too long, (auto) manufacturers have championed anti-competitive practices by withholding crucial maintenance information, squeezing their customers and independent repair shops. 
“Your vehicle belongs to you - not the manufacturer. I am introducing the REPAIR Act to provide a binding, workable solution to anti-competitive behavior in the auto repair industry to reaffirm consumer control over their vehicle maintenance data and empower them to work with repair shops big and small.” 
“TIA fully supports the REPAIR Act to protect the Right to Repair nationwide,” Roy Littlefield IV, Roy Littlefield IV, TIA's vice president of government affairs, told MTD.

“Right to Repair remains a top priority for TIA members and a national law would provide much-needed clarity and direction in vehicle repair, ensuring fair access to repair data and preserving consumer choice. TIA will continue to make this a top priority in our advocacy efforts.”